Reading Day!

Today is Reading Day of our last week of school!

1. Choose any of these reading activities from British Council - Learn English Kids:

2. Try to make your own story with these two games (*they might not work with all the browsers; I recomend you to use Google Chrome):

3. Read the comics that your classmates have made about The cure of Covid-19:

By Alejandra 5º A

By Rubén 5ºB

By Alejandra 5ºA

Alejandro Ar. 5ºC

By Alejandro Ba. 5ºA

By Ana 5ºB

By Ángela 5ºC

By Bruno 5ºB

By Candela 5ºC

By Carolina 5ºC

By Daria 5ºC

By Daniel James 5ºA

By David 5ºA

By Diego 5ºB

By Diego 5ºC

By Elena5ºB

By Enrique 5ºB

By Fernando 5ºA

By Fran 5ºB

By Héctor 5ºA

By Héctor 5ºC

By Hugo 5ºC

By Irene 5ºC

By Isabel 5ºB

By Jorge 5ºA

By Julia 5ºC

By Luana 5ºB

By Luca 5ºA

By Lucía 5ºA

By Marcos 5ºA

By Matías 5ºC

By Noé 5ºA

By Nohemí 5ºA

By Omar 5ºB

By Óscar 5ºB

By Rahela 5ºA

By Aitana 5ºB

By Sara 5ºB
