Don't forget our Saving Energy Challenge!!!

Last week I proposed you this challenge:

"For this period that we have to stay at home, I propose you a challenge: think of different ways of saving energy at home and put them into practice."


👪You have to try that everyone at your home put them into practice too: parents, brothers, sisters,..

💡What ideas did you use? Did it work?

👀Have a look at Colleen's ideas👉

❗Very important! You have to post your ideas in this online padlet👇 and don't forget to write down your name so we will know who you are.


  1. Hello friends, to save electrical energy you can turn off the hob when the food is almost finish because if you don't do the hobtakes a lot of time to finish burning and you save more energy. BY ÓSCAR 5ºB

    1. Good advice. I didn't think about that. I'll try it from now on :)

    2. When the mobile is full and you disconnect it from the charger, you also have to unplug the charger from the electric current because otherwise it continues to consume By Rodrigo 5ºB

    3. Well done Rodrigo. I'll do that to :)

  2. * Not open the windows when the heating is on.
    * Be careful: turn off the light if there is sunlight.
    * Remember: close the tap when you are brushing your teeth.

  3. Try not to open the frige door too long because the cold is lost quickly and consumes energy. We must first think what we want to remove and then open the fridge.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. *When we are not using the devices unplug them.
    *Unplug the devices when they are charged.
    *Do not use the devices when they are charging.
    *Close the windows when the heater is on.
    *Reuse paper and more things to do crafts.
    Noelia 5ºA

  6. Rubén 5B
    *to save energy, I close the faucet when i wash my hands.
    *put lid son the saucepan.
    *buy led bulbs.
    *if you are in your house and it is in the morning, and you are with light on, turn off the light and open the curtain.

    1. Well done! Really good ideas. I would use "tap" instead of "faucet", as it is more common, but it is up to you ;)
      I have added your ideas to the padlet. Have a look:

  7. 1: Use less the heater because you are waisting thermal energy, heat and is probabbly you'll have a hemorrage.

    2: When you're cooking you must use the lid because if you don't do it you are waisting thermal energy, and you'll breath worst.💨

    3:Don't keep charging your mobile phone at night, if you do it, is a waste of energy because you don't know when is charging or is full, (if your mobile phone isn't a 💩).

    4: Reuse paper and more things to do crafts.

    5: Use the 3r's rule.

    6:Buy led bulbs.

    7: Use traslucent curtains.

    8: Wash the clothes with washing machines which control the wright.👕

    9: Put a pail under the faucet and when the hot water comes, move away the pail and use it for example, instead of flush, use the water pail.

    10: Switch off the TV instead of the stand-by mode.

    1. Well done Fran. I do most of them. Number 9 is a really good one :)


  8. Hugo García 5C
    _Turn off the sower faucet when hoy are soaping Up
    _Use LED bulbs


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