PE Activity

Today is our last day of PE!

For that, we propose you this activity that Colleen has created for us and that you can do it at home, in the park, with your family or on your own:

Have a look👀 at some of the PE games you created with recycled materials:

By Aitana 5ºB

By Candela 5ºC

By Carolina 5ºC

By Daniel James 5ºA

By Diego 5ºB

By Elena 5ºB

By Héctor 5ºC

By Hugo 5ºC

By Lucía 5ºA

By Marcos 5ºA

By Alejandro Ar. 5ºC

By Irene 5ºC

By Óscar 5ºB

By Rubén (5ºB) & Nohemí (5ºA)
