Revision of Light

1. Copy these two activities in your notebook📓.

2. Try these two liveworksheets📝 to review everything we have learnt related to light💡.

Don't forget to write your name, class and your natural teacher email📧:

3. Check the answer key of last week activity (but only if you have done the activity).

4. Have a look👀 at the experiments you have sent:

By Rubén 5ºB

By Carolina 5ºC

By Daniel James 5ºA

By Elena 5ºB

By Hugo 5ºC

By Héctor 5ºC

By Irene 5ºC

By Lucía 5ºB

By Omar 5ºB

By Rodrigo 5ºB

By Alex Ba. 5ºA

By Marcos 5ºA

By Ángela 5ºC

By Candela 5ºC

By Eva 5ºC

By Ana 5ºB

By Mohamed 5ºC

By Fran 5ºB

By Diego 5ºB

By Nohemí 5ºA


  1. LifeWorksheet Natural and Artificial Light has mistakes

  2. Liveworksheet Light and Material too

  3. Yes it have to be in order, no?

    1. Yes... That one has to be in order. Don´t worry, I'm not looking at the mark, but that you have done it.

  4. Hi Laura, i don't understant the correction of the exercise of light and materials.

  5. Hi Laura.In the first worksheet I put English on the subject and it was natural what I had to put.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Carolina Garcia Hierro
    Yes, is interesting the video !!
    Congratulations !! 🎉🎉

    1. yes and oll the pothos 😋✨👏👏👏

  8. Me pone Error 1200 Laura sabes que es en las fichas

  9. Ok chic@s, I think Light and Materials is giving problems because of the order of the objects. You have to put them as they appear first. Don't worry about the points. This is the right answer:

    Transparent materials: fish tanks, glasses and glass.
    Translucent materials: plastic bag, curtains and toilet paper.
    Opaque materials: table, boy, toy and book.

    Sorry for the problems :(


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