Present Perfect vs Past Simple

Do you know when to use Present Perfect or when to use Past Simple when talking about past events😕?

Watch this video🎬 to find out👇

In conclusion, this is when we use Present Perfect and Past Simple:
  • Present Perfect (PP) = Events that happened since we were born until now.

  • Past Simple (PS) = Specific and finished past events. (WHEN EXACTLY?)
Have a look at the past simple and past participle of the verbs related to our party vocabulary. Notice that some are irregulars but others are regulars (-ed).

1) Copy✏ this table on your notebook📓.

2) Practice these verbs with this activity of educaplay:

3) Print or copy✏ in your notebook📓 this activity that Colleen has created for you:

Be careful: use past simple when is clear when that happened (yesterday, last week, two weeks ago…)

4) Check Colleen and Maddie's party video:

👆Party video🎬

Write in the comments below👇 anything that you noticed (saw) related to our party vocabulary.

5) Don't forget to check the answer key of last Thursday activities:


  1. Colleen has put out the food - doughnuts, cakes and carrots with hummus. She has decorated the room and she has chosen the music.

  2. This are a good thing to learnt

  3. Eva5c
    Put out the food

  4. Colleen blows up the balloons.
    Francisco Vigil 5⁰B


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