Present Perfect: Already & Yet

Today we are learning how to use already and yet.

1. Have a look👀 at the Grammar Wall of page 74 and copy✏ it in your notebook📓.

Notice that we use already for positive sentences✔ and yet for negative sentences❌.

Also, already is placed between "have" and "verb in past participle":

"I have already made a cake."

And yet is always placed at the end of the sentence:

"I haven't made a cake yet."

2. Watch my video🎬 of "My to do list".

3. Write sentences with the things that you have already done✔today, and write sentences with the things you haven't done yet❌.

Look👀 at my example.👇

4. Take a photo📷 of it and send it to your teacher 📧
  • 5ºA / 5ºB:
  • 5ºC:
5. Continue practicing already & yet with activities 1-2-3-4 of  👆Page 71 of your Activity Book. Here you have the listening📢 for activities 3 and 4.👇


  1. Carolina Garcia Hierro 5c
    Is a good think to study at home 👍🏠


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