Energy Review - Natural Test Wednesday 1st April

We'll have a Natural little test on Wednesday 1st April, to see what we have learnt these past weeks about energy.

Page 63
Then, to review, watch this video🎬☝ of Unit 4: Energy and practise the tests of page 63👉 of your natural book (Copy the tests in your notebook📝).

You can do Team 1 test or Team 2 test, or both of them! Both tests are to review everything we have learnt in Unit 3 and Unit 4 this term.

How did you do? We'll post the answers on Monday.

For extra practise, try this activity in your notebook📝 (you can print it or copy it in your notebook): ENERGY: EXTRA ACTIVITY

To test yourself, try this Quiz✅ if you haven't done it yet, and if you have, do it again! 😉

You can also practise again these activities of educaplay:

And check these content charts:

🙋Any question❓


  1. How we are going to do the test?
    Noelia 5ºA.

  2. It is going to be a quiz online, similar to an educaplay activity :)


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